
I love teaching! I have been a part of the teaching staff for various classes in various capacities over the years. This list does not include experiences like MIT Splash or tutoring.

Recommendation letter

Are you an undergrad or recent alum hoping to request a recommendation letter from me? Fill out this Google form. If you’re a graduate student, please email me instead.

Instructor of record

UNC DATA 110 Introduction to Data Science

UNC DATA 890 Selected Topics in Machine Learning

  • Taught in Spring 2024. We discussed many topics in modern ML including generative models, active learning, manifold learning, domain adaptation and graph-based learning.

UCLA PIC 16B Python with Applications II

  • Taught in Spring 2022 and Winter 2023. (syllabus and schedule)
  • 2023 Math Liggett Instructor Award.

UCLA PIC 16A Python with Applications I

Teaching assistant

CMU ECE: 18202 Mathematical Foundations of Electrical Engineering

  • Taught in Spring 2020 and Spring 2019. (syllabus)
  • Graduate TA. Prepared materials and led recitations twice a week.
  • 2020 ECE Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
  • One of my crowning achievements was when I joked about CMU turning into an online school and my student posted it on a CMU meme group.

MIT EECS: 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering

  • Taught in Fall 2016.
  • Graduate TA. Prepared materials and led lecture review recitations once a week.
  • 6.3/7.0 overall rating and some very kind student comments.
  • This is a combination of two half-semester classes, 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science Programming in Python (syllabus at OCW), and 6.0002 Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science (syllabus at OCW).

MIT EECS: 6.042 Mathematics for Computer Science

  • Taught in Fall 2015. (syllabus)
  • Undergraduate TA. Prepared materials and guided students as needed in class.
  • This was a “flipped classroom”, i.e. students watched short videos and read notes at home, and in class worked on problems in small groups.


MIT EECS: 6.03 Introduction to EECS via Medical Technology

  • Taught in Spring 2015.
  • Lab Assistant. Gave checkoffs and helped students during lab.

MIT EECS: 6.149 Introduction to Programming Using Python

  • Taught in IAP (Januaray) 2015. (syllabus)
  • Lab Assistant. Gave checkoffs and held office hours.

MIT EECS: 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms

  • Taught in Spring 2014. (syllabus)
  • Grader. Graded homework.

MIT China Educational Technology Initiative

  • Taught in Summer 2013. (program website)
  • Teaching intern. Taught math, biology, Python and English at universities in China and Taiwan in teams of three.
  • I also served as CETI exec the following years.

Endorsement from my roommate.